How to Enroll in a Class

Open University for CSUN Alum

If you are a recent graduate or alumni of CSUN, you are eligible to enroll in courses through Open University. Former CSUN students do not need to create a new account.

Open University for Visiting Students

Open University allows those who are not CSUN current or formerly matriculated students the ability to enroll in CSUN's Fall Semester, Spring Semester, Winter Session and Summer Session courses. Those who are new to CSUN, must first create a student account and establish themselves in the system.

Note that matriculated CSUN students have enrollment priority. Therefore, enrollment is on a space available basis only.

CSUN Class Search

Take note of the prerequisite requirements. A prerequisite is a course or condition that must be completed/met prior to enrollment in another specified course.

The CSUN wait list feature is not available for Open University students. This feature is only designed for current CSUN students.

Current or former CSUN students

Use your current MyCSUN portal login information. If you do not recall your information, please contact CSUN IT.

Those who are new to CSUN

New to CSUN? Create a CSUN account by completing the non-degree student online form.

NOTE: Please allow 24 hours to receive an “Activate Your CSUN Account,” email to complete the last step of creating a new CSUN account to access the CSUN Portal to enroll and make a payment. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours, please contact the Tseng College at (818) 677-2504 or

How to Establish Yourself in the System

  • Click "Get Your CSUN ID" to expand the menu and click the link for the student application.
  • On the "Create User Profile" screen, create a password, then select one of the following under "Program to Enroll":
    • College of Extended Learning, Graduate Credit
    • College of Extended Learning, Undergraduate Credit
    • College of Extended Learning - Non-Credit and CEUs (continuing education units).
  • Select the appropriate term/session. Click "Submit."
  • The "New Extension Student Application Completed" screen, containing your CSUN Student ID Number and new User ID, will be displayed. Now, create your Password.
  • Print this information for your records and keep it in a secure place. Your User ID and Password are necessary to enter the Portal for all online services and registration. You may also write this information below for future use. After you have completed this, click on "Logout."

For Winter and Summer sessions skip to Step 4.

Open University students enrolling for the Fall or Spring semesters are required to obtain and use a permission number to enroll themselves in any course on a space available basis.

Helpful tip: Look for sections that have open seats and request permission numbers for alternate sections.

To request a permission number, follow the steps below:

  • Based upon your selected class, note the department in which it is being offered
  • Email the department using the Academic Department Contact List
    • Introduce yourself as a visiting student, CSUN Alum, or a visiting international student enrolling through the Tseng College's Open University program
    • Include the class number and information (ex: ART 100 #12345)
    • Include your CSUN ID number and full name.
    • If there is a prerequisite for the course, include a copy of your unofficial transcript.

If you receive a permission number, proceed to the next step to enroll in a class.

Open University students may self-enroll in a class once the Nonrestrictive Registration begins (see Calendar). Tuition and campus fee payments will be due in full at the time of enrollment and registration.

A student who has not completed full payment within twenty-four hours of registering will be dropped. This helps to ensure that all possible open seats remain available to other registrants.

How to enroll and pay:

Before you enroll in classes:

  1. Go to the CSUN homepage and select the "MyCSUN" drop-down located on the top-left corner to expand the menu. Log into the CSUN Portal with your CSUN User ID and Password. If you do not recall your information, contact CSUN IT.
    • Mouseover the "Academics" menu and select "Additional Terms & Programs". On the next page, click the link for "Select Program to Enroll".
    • Select either Tseng College Graduate or Undergraduate Credit for the program and the term you are applying for.
  2. Read and acknowledge the "Fee Payment Acknowledgment" page.
  3. The "Add Classes" page begins Step 1 of the enrollment process. Enter the 5-digit Class Number and click "Enter". The course info will appear.
    • Enter the Permission Number if you have one.
    • Click "Next" to proceed.
    • If you want to add another class, enter the Class Number here and proceed as before.
    • If you have no further classes to add, click "Proceed to Step 2 of 3".
  4. Step 2 is the "Confirm Classes" page. If correct, click "Finish Enrolling".
  5. In Step 3, the "View Results" page, you will see if you have successfully enrolled.  You must make a full payment within 24 hours of adding the course to maintain your enrollment. Otherwise, you may be dropped from your classes.
    • Click "Make a Payment" to complete the transaction.
    • Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Electronic Check (must wait 24 hours after account activation to pay by Electronic Check).