Total Prerequisite Courses (19 units)

Any of the following courses or their equivalents that were completed as part of the first degree program do not need to be repeated. Course equivalencies can be checked at or with the help of an advisor.

Please carefully review the following - Science prerequisite courses:

Science Prerequisites (19 units)

All science prerequisites must have been completed within seven (7) years of the application deadline. No online lab for any of the science prerequisites will be accepted.

  • BIOL 211/212: Human Anatomy and Lab (2/1)
  • BIOL 215/L: Introductory Microbiology and Lab (2/2)
  • BIOL 281/282: Human Physiology and Lab (3/1)
  • CHEM 103/L: Introductory Chemistry I and Lab (3/1)
  • MATH 140: Introductory Statistics (4) - This course can fall outside the seven (7) year application deadline requirement.

Required Courses for the A-BSN Program (58 units)

NURS 302Basic Pathophysiology3 unitsThis course provides an understanding of complex pathophysiologic processes as a basis for safe and evidence-based nursing management of common disease processes across the lifespan.
NURS 307/LHealth Assessment in Self-Care Agency and Lab3 unitsProvides skills in complete assessment of individual health in using bio-psycho-social-spiritual-cultural concepts. Includes nursing assessment through all developmental stages. Emphasis on self-care agency. On-campus supervised lab practice and application of concepts from NURS 307 in self-care agency. Passing grade must be earned in both NURS 307 and 307L concurrently for credit in both courses.
NURS 310Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice3 unitsHistorical, philosophical, and ethical aspects of nursing research and its relationship to nursing science, theory and practice are included. Knowledge of the research process is developed. Emphasis is on retrieving, critiquing, and synthesizing best evidence as a foundation for delivery of safe, quality, patient-centered care.
NURS 315Pharmacology and Self-Care Agency3 unitsThis course examines the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for major drug classes as they impact self-care of the individual. Assessment and management of the therapeutic and toxic effects of pharmacological interventions are emphasized.
NURS 318/LIntroduction to Professional Nursing7 unitsIntroduction to the practice of professional nursing, including critical thinking, assessment, therapeutic nursing interventions and communication. This course explores related models and theories, professional roles, nursing process and use of nursing skills to promote self- and dependent-care agency of individuals. Bio-psycho-social-spiritual, cultural and developmental considerations included. Lab: Supervised clinical lab provides opportunities for role development and application of knowledge and skills. Passing grades must be earned in both lecture and lab concurrently for credit in both courses.
NURS 320/LIntermediate Medical Surgical Nursing and Clinical7 unitsFocuses on the care of adult and older adult patients with alterations in health. Emphasis is placed on helping patients and their families cope with alterations in body functions. Concepts of pharmacology, health promotion and education, evidence-based practice, and interdisciplinary collaboration will be integrated throughout the course. Clinical experiences provide the student an opportunity to apply theoretical concepts and implement safe care to patients and selected groups in a variety of settings. Passing grades must be earned in both theory and lab/clinical courses concurrently for credit in both courses.
NURS 422/LAdvanced Medical Surgical Nursing and Clinical8 unitsFocuses on advanced concepts of nursing care as they relate to patients on medical-surgical units with complex, multisystem alterations in health. Emphasis is placed on implementing time management and organizational skills while managing the care of patients with multiple needs and collaborating with the interdisciplinary team. Complex clinical skills, as well as priority setting, clinical judgment, and principles of legal and ethical practice, are integrated throughout the course. Clinical experiences provide the student an opportunity to apply theoretical concepts and implement safe care to patients and selected groups in a variety of settings. Passing grades must be earned in both theory and lab/clinical courses concurrently for credit in both courses.
NURS 426Nursing Systems Issues and Ethics3 unitsDeals with issues arising within the community, the healthcare systems and the profession of nursing that influence self-care agency and the development of nursing systems. Discusses ethical aspects of providing therapeutic self-care. Regular written assignments required.
NURS 427/LDynamics of Nursing Leadership and Leadership in Nursing Lab4 unitsFocuses on the function of the professional nurse as self-care agent through leadership, administration and change. Presents theories of group dynamics, leadership, organizations, planned change, power and conflict as they apply in the nursing unit. Regular written assignments are required. Lab: Application of self-care agency through use of leadership and administration theories and skills in clinical settings. Students synthesize professional nursing roles through individualized learning contract. Credit given only if a passing grade is earned. 3 hours lecture, 6 hours lab per week.
NURS 428/LCommunity and Population Health Nursing and Lab5 unitsDevelopment of community health nursing role in disease prevention and health promotion among diverse populations in community and public health settings. Focus on population-based nursing practice, including health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention across the lifespan of diverse individuals, families, and communities. Emphasis on communication and collaboration within a complex system of community health services delivery. Passing grades must be earned in lecture course and lab concurrently for credit in the major for both courses.
NURS 430/LPsychiatric/Mental Health Nursing: Clinical Laboratory3 unitsFocuses on the unique role of the professional nurse in assessing, promoting, maintaining, restoring and evaluating the self-care and dependent-care functions of persons with actual or potential altered mental health processes. Topics include selected theories of human behavior and current knowledge of psychiatric/mental health nursing care, psychopathology, psychiatric treatment, psychopharmacology, environmental management and influences of family. Lab: Demonstration of beginning professional role in psychiatric/mental health nursing by applying knowledge from lecture co-requisite. Passing grades must be earned in lecture course and lab concurrently for credit in both courses.
NURS 443/LNursing Care of Children and Clinical Lab3.5 unitsFocuses on professional nurse's role in assessing, promoting, maintaining, restoring and evaluating the self-care and dependent-care agency related to children with actual or potential altered health. Includes age-specific health considerations of newborns through adolescents within the interactional context of family and environment. Theories, models and concepts are related to nursing care of the child and the family. Lab: Supervised experience provides opportunities for role-development and application of knowledge and skills. Passing grades must be earned in lecture course and medical-surgical lab concurrently for credit in both courses.
NURS 444/LNursing Care of Childbearing Family3.5 unitsFocuses on the nurse's role in promoting self-care and dependent-care functions of the multi-person unit of the child-bearing family. Emphasis is on assessment and management of the woman, baby and family during the antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum periods. Includes both healthy and pathologic processes. Lab: Supervised clinical lab provides opportunities for role- and skills-development and application. Passing grades must be earned in lecture course and lab concurrently for credit in both courses.
NURS 498/LClinical Intensive2 unitsStudents are provided the opportunity to function as a contributing member of the interprofessional team and provide care to a caseload of patients that is safe, evidence-based, patient-centered, and focused on promoting quality patient outcomes. Emphasis is placed on demonstration of professional behaviors, communication that supports information exchange, collaboration, ethical conduct, and leadership.
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