On its homepage, the California State University Chancellor's Office recently praised two cutting-edge CSUN programs: the M.S. in Assistive Technology Engineering and the M.S. in Assistive Technology Studies and Human Services. The two degrees, the CSU says, are a part of the university's larger culture of accessibility.
"California State University, Northridge has a long history of providing services to people with disabilities and championing accessibility for its students," the CSU site reports. "In 1983 the university created the Center on Disabilities (COD), [and it also] hosts "the longest-running and largest annual university-sponsored conference on technology and people with disabilities.'"
One of the fastest growing fields, assistive technology is at the forefront of new medical and commercial devices - from smart phones to prosthetics to virtual reality. Some projections forecast the market will hit $31 billion by 2024 and see an annual job growth of 7.4 percent.
More than 20,000 CSU students and 23 percent of California adults have a disability, according to the CSU. CSUN, the article goes on to say, has "a proven track record of equity for all." Through these degrees, CSUN is helping persons with disabilities regain mobility, speech, hearing, vision and more.
"CSUN aims to provide equity education while also training future generations who will help solve issues faced by people with disabilities."
Learn more at go.csun.edu/aboutATHS