Career options

  • Accessibility Specialist
  • Assistive Technology Engineer
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
  • Rehabilitation Counselor
  • Robotics Engineer

This program is currently available only for contract (i.e. for an employer or a group of employers, who wish to fund a complete cohort of this program for their employees). If you'd like to learn more about this program, please contact us by submitting the form on the left of this page. Thank you!

This online master’s program prepares you for a career in assistive technology development. Designed for working adults, the program emphasizes hands-on experience and helps you build a portfolio of design projects to share with prospective employers.

In courses with other working engineers, you’ll learn how to:

  • Design and develop new assistive technology products
  • Manage highly technical teams and projects
  • Identify new uses for existing assistive technologies
  • Develop a systems mindset
  • Expand your technical abilities

Courses include product design and development, project management, robotic applications, software development, and augmentative and alternative communications.

You’ll also have opportunities to meet leaders in the assistive technology industry through our guest speaker class visits.

What is an assistive technology?

An assistive technology is anything that helps a person achieve enhanced performance, improved function or accelerated access to information.

You’re likely familiar with many assistive technologies, such as hearing aids and prosthetics. Text-to-speech software, closed captions, and even the touch screen you use each day on your cell phone – these, too, are assistive technologies.

The future of human development

In addition to mechanical products and devices, the field is deeply involved in artificial intelligence, machine learning and neuroscience. Brain machine interfaces, for instance, allow users to control wheelchairs with thought alone; and in some emergency rooms, self-service kiosks can take your blood pressure, pulse and weight, all without any human intervention.

These technologies, and others like them, will only grow more prevalent with time – as will the need for engineers to design them.

Empower those in need

With this degree, you can create devices and software – such as those above – to assist or rehabilitate a variety of populations:

  • Veterans
  • The aging
  • Persons with disabilities

By current estimates, more than 4,000 assistive technologies have been designed for these rapidly growing populations. Because of this, the U.S. Department of Labor predicts long-term growth in the field.

A career in the next big thing

Commercially, the field encompasses an even greater range of products, services and applications. Siri, which lets you use your voice to call and text, is one example. Google, which lets you search the web, is another.

A booming field, assistive technology applies to an ever-increasing range of people and organizations, including:

  • Biomedical engineering companies
  • Military and intelligence
  • St. Jude’s Hospital
  • Boston Scientific
  • Second Sight
  • Northrup Grumman
  • Microsoft
  • Facebook
  • Apple
  • Google

Learn by doing

The program provides hands-on training with many of the field's professional tools and technologies. In group projects with other working professionals, you’ll build and test prototypes, and then create a portfolio to share with prospective employers.

This, in addition to classroom instruction, equips you with the project management skills to lead teams of other engineers in the design and execution of highly technical assignments.

Created for working professionals

This online program features course work and services focused on the career development needs of working professionals. In addition to assignments with immediate, real-world application, the program includes:

  • Work-friendly scheduling - The program is delivered fully online, providing you with significant flexibility to complete course work at times and in places that fit your schedule.
  • Cohort-format delivery - You’ll progress through the program with a group of peers, helping you graduate on time and maximizing your interaction with faculty and fellow students.
  • Exceptional support services - A program management team will assist you on your academic journey, handling all administrative matters and freeing you to concentrate on your course work and your career.

Excellence in Online Education

CSUN’s online programs are held to the same high standards of academic excellence and student achievement as the university’s on-campus programs. Every online program is taught by both full- and part-time faculty, whose engagement with online students is equivalent to their interaction with students on campus.