Changing a Degree Title or Suggesting a New Code | |
Assessment of Academic Preparation and Placement in First-Year General Education Written Communication and Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Courses | 1110 |
Implementation of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the “Clery Act”) | 1107 |
Systemwide Multi-campus Centers, Institutes and Affinity Groups | 1103 |
California State University Student Fee Policy | 1102 |
General Education Breadth Requirements | 1100 |
Extended Education: Self-Supporting Instructional Courses and Programs | 1099 |
Systemwide Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Against Students and Systemwide Procedure for Handling Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Complaints by Students | 1097 |
Systemwide Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Against Employees and Third Parties and Procedure for Handling Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Allegations by Employees and Third Parties | 1096 |
Implementation of Title IX, VAWA/Campus SaVE Act, and Related Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Legislation | 1095 |
Educational Broadband Service Contracts | 1090 |
Systemwide Guidelines for Affirmative Action Programs in Employment | 1088 |
California State University Risk Management Authority | 1087 |
Systemwide Nursing Policy | 1084 |
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect | 1083 |
International Students | 1082 |
Exchange Programs and Campus Activities Abroad | 1081 |
International Agreements | 1080 |
Student Conduct Process | 1098 |
Delegation of Authority to Approve Options, Concentrations, Special Emphases and Minors | 1071 |
Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree Programs | 1067 |
Student Internships | 1064 |
Field Trip Policy and Procedures | 1062 |
Campus Auxiliary Organizations | 1059 |
Complaint Procedure for Allegations of Retaliation for Having Made a Protected Disclosure under the California Whistleblower Protection Act | 1116 |
CSU Fee Policy | 1102 |
Policy on Student Mental Health | 1053 |
Use of Approved Waiver of Liability | 1051 |
CSU Student Debt Collection Practices | 1044 |
California State University Student Travel Policy | 1041 |
Admission by Exception of Military Servicemembers and Veterans of Military Service | 1040 |
Enviornmental Health & Safety Policy | 1039 |
Minimum Requirements for Probation and Disqualification | 1038 |
CSU Grading, Repetition of Courses, Academic Renewal, and Appeals Policy | 1037 |
Credit for Prior Learning | 1036 |
Mandatory Materials, Services and Facilities Fee | 1035 |
Systemwide Records/Information Retention and Dispositon Schedules Implementation | 1031 |
Mandatory International Programs Study Abroad Fee and Italy Technology Fee | 1028 |
CSU System Business Continuity Program | 1014 |
Student Academic Field Experience for Credit Liability Insurance Fee | 1012 |
Delegation of Fiscal Authority and Responsibility | 1000 |
Illegal Electronic File Sharing and Protection of Electronic Copyrighted Material | 999 |
Financing and Debt Management Policy - Project Development and the Systemwide Revenue Bond Program | 994 |
Doctor of Education Degree Programs | 991 |
Student Professional Liability Insurance Fee | 986 |
Optional Summer Term State University Fee Schedules | 974 |
Sales, Service, and Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages | 1109 |
Conditional Admission and Registration | 963 |
Policy on University Health Services | 943 |
Convenience Fee | 942 |
CSU Drug-Free Workplace Policy | 930 |
Complaint Procedures for Protected Disclosure of Improper Governmental Activities and/or Significant Threats to Health or Safety | 1115 |
The California State University Board of Trustees Policy on Disability Support and Accommodations | 1111 |
Delegation of Authority to Impose Discipline | 920 |
Designation of Health Care Components for Purposes of the Health Care Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) | 877 |
Supplemental Fees for Off-Campus Programs | 871 |
Enrollment Confirmation Deposit Fee | 863 |
Policy Statement on Facility Maintenance | 847 |
Special Session Degree and Certificate Program Fee, and College of Science and Mathematics Field Studies Course Fees; California State University, Northridge | 844 |
Supplemental Fees for Off Campus, Self-Support Programs | 830 |
Provisions for the Commission on the Extended University of the CSU | 811 |
Certificates and Certificate Programs | 806 |
Policy Governing the Enrollment of Non-Matriculated Students in CSU State-Supported Courses and in CSU Self-Support Special Session Courses | 805 |
CSU Systemwide International Programs Campus-Based Fees | 799 |
Privacy and Personal Information Management | 796 |
Procedures Governing Self-Supporting Programs Outside the State of California, Conducted Through the Continuing Education Revenue Fund or Local Trust Accounts | 795 |
Governor's Teaching Fellowship Program | 791 |
Centers, Institutes, and Similar Organizations on Campuses of the CSU | 751 |
Procedures for Establishment of New Off-Campus Centers and Approval of Off-Campus Centers | 720 |
Delegation of Authority - Naming of CSU Facilities and Properties | 713 |
Delegation of Authority and Procedures for the Administration of Fee Waivers and Reductions for Employee Training and Career Development | 712 |
Delegation of Authority - Approval of Travel Requests | 688 |
Delegation of Gift Evaluation and Acceptance | 676 |
Delegation of Capital Outlay Management Authority and Responsibility | 672 |
Delegation of Authority to Lease Real Property | 669 |
Determination of Competence in English and Mathematics | 665 |
Survivor Benefits | 662 |
Intellectual Property - Campus Policies | 644 |
Installment Payment Plans | 632 |
Discharge of Accountability (Debts over $1,000) | 616 |
Salaries for Extension and Special Session (Other than Summer Session) Faculty | 569 |
Enrollment Planning Policy for Impacted Campuses and Programs | 563 |
Exemption from Approval for Capital Outlay Equipment List Substitutions | 554 |
Modified Eligibility Indices for Admission | 523 |
Approved Alternative Programs for Completing the Comprehensive Pattern of Collegiate Preparatory Subjects | 521 |
The Consortium of The California State University | 377 |
Policy and Procedure for the Acceptance of Installation of Exterior Artwork on The California State University and Colleges Campuses | 276 |
Governmental Affairs Representatives Program | 193 |
Transfer of Extension Credit | 191 |
Provisions for Extension and Summer Sessions Independent Study Programs Involving Foreign Travel | 181 |
Transfer of Credit | 167 |
Individual Faculty Obligation to Meet Classes | 79 |