VITA Clinic Helps Low-Income Taxpayers

With the help of CSUN students, taxpayers can rest easy this year.

VITA Clinic Helps Low-Income Taxpayers

CSUN business students don’t just study in a classroom. During tax season, they’re out in the community, offering free help to taxpayers. Those with an annual income of $58,000 or less can get their taxes prepared and filed for free, thanks to CSUN’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Clinic. The David Nazarian College of Business and Economics administers the annual program through the Bookstein Institute for Higher Education in Taxation.

In 2021, VITA ranked as the largest free tax preparation clinic in California. And nationally, CSUN received equal acclaim, being cited as the country’s largest academic institution to offer free tax services.

Through the Clinic, hundreds of specially-trained students – many from CSUN’s award-winning Master of Science in Taxation program – assist low-income taxpayers, veterans and others in need of assistance. 

This year, VITA is resuming in-person services, with one-hour appointments available on campus or at several remote sites in the community. For those who qualify, the process is fast, simple and completely free. Make an appointment today: