GRID Alternatives
CSUN's Institute for Sustainability has partnered with GRID Alternatives, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that offers FREE solar panels to low-income families and brings together community partners, volunteers and job trainees to implement solar power and energy efficiency for these families, as well as to provide energy-cost savings, valuable hands-on experience, and a source of clean, local energy that benefits us all.
In 2008, GRID Alternatives was selected by the California Public Utilities Commission to serve as the statewide program manager for the PUC's $162 million Single-family Affordable Solar Housing (SASH) incentive program, the country's first dedicated solar-rebate program for low-income families. Thousands of California homeowners have "gone solar" through GRID Alternatives under this ground-breaking initiative, which also provides hands-on solar-system installation experience to volunteers.
Solar Workshops
CSUN's Institute for Sustainability also offers energy-efficiency and water-conservation workshops, which include LADWP rebates.
The energy-efficiency workshops typically focus on the household's primary energy consumers, and provide guidance on how to choose appliances, find information on local utility-rate structures, and suggestions for the best cost/benefit choices for investing in energy savings, as well as how to apply for rebates.
Through these workshops, residents and business owners learn about options for alternative landscaping, including good, region-specific choices for drought-tolerant and native plants, and "low-water demand" trees. Participants also receive free water-conservation items.
If you're interested in having an Institute-hosted Solar Workshop in your community, please contact us at sustainability@csun.edu or (818) 677-7710.